Every one talks about that one ‘best year ever’ and then reminisce about how everything in that year was just right! But what tends to enter my ear canal a lot more, I realise as I grow older, is the ‘I can’t wait for this crappy year to end’ conversations. Like every year, 2017 has had it’s share of ups and down and for some more downs than ups and vice versa. I’ve been told it’s my rose-coloured-glasses-wearing that makes me look at it this way, that is, even with more downs, how can one not look at all the wonderful things that happened in the year? Personally, the number of great people I got to meet, things I learnt about myself and my when-he-does-the-laundry-better half, the new foods I got to taste, the music that’s been around for ages but just discovered, the new places I got to see and the fact that I’m still in one piece, even through health hiccups, and wake up to see another day with the sun shining is enough for me to call it a great year. How can I not!
I must say I do have one bone to pick with new years and that is that it runs swiftly into my favourite time of the year, i.e., Christmas, bringing it to a halt almost instantly. ‘Merry Christmas’ turns to ‘What plans for New Year’s and that makes me want to eat all the plum cake received in one sitting trying to retain any Christmas feelings lost in hearing that sentence. Alternatively, if New year’s didn’t bump itself in where it does, I’ve been told and agree ever-so-unwillingly, my tree would be up till about March. So I comply.
So what does one get to look forward to in 2018? The same thing that one looks forward to the every new year; a new beginning, a trial of keeping up resolutions and setting them in optimism, making new friends who seem like they’ve been part of your life forever, tastes you never knew you loved, sights you can’t believe are real, the hardest laughter that bring you pain, pains that bring you lessons, and plain ol’ good hope that the year will be our ‘best year ever’.